SkypeTrance is a translation solution for Skype users. The application will provide an approximate translation of your chat messages in real time. For this application to work you have to install both this and Skype. Once you have gone over the configurations, you can start benefiting from the translation. All your incoming messages will appear on SkypeTrance, which will also translate your outgoing messages if you want it to. The free version is limited to 25 messages a day. If you buy WebTrance that limit is lifted. WebTrance is another product by the same company that offers translation for Web-based services. The quality of the translations of both products isn't the best you will see. Probably using a translation engine like Google's, SkypeTrance will only provide approximate translations. The developers themselves tell you that on their website. So, if you are in a dire need to have a message translated precisely, your best bet is to turn to one of the best translators in the world: a human being.